{mosimage}Today is my last day with Technosoft. No matter wherever I go, Technosoft will always be special because it gave me the entry into IT. If it was not my dear friend Prabhu Shankar, ex-boss Mr. Chandrasekar and Technosoft, I would have returned back to Dubai with a sales in job last March. Technosoft is where I learnt SAP IS-Retail, I got to have a confidant and well wisher in Prabhu Shankar. In fact I would love to have Prabhu Shankar along with me as long as possible in my life (careerwise and as a friend) and I pray that it should happen soon in future. This one year stint in Technosoft had taught me some valuable lessons in career about the efforts, presence being made felt and I must keep following them through out. I'll always be indebted to Technosoft (also Prabhu Shankar and Mr. Chandrashekar) for giving me a break into SAP. My sincere thanks to everybody here for bearing with me. Ofcourse I’ll be in touch but this is just an acknowledgement of my feelings towards them.