I had drawn an Ardhanareeswarar mural a couple of years ago and l had felt that it looked more like a contemporary painting than a traditional mural. Also that mural was a bitter sweet memory and I gave it away to my sister-in-law who liked that mural very much. Oflate when I decided to paint a mural to overcome the loneliness / boredom, I found this image attractive from the Google image search. I decided to be more careful regarding the stippling techniques this time.
Whenever I am more conscious about something, I invariably mess up the same. This time also I messed up with the body colour of Parvathy. The colour turned out to be THE darkest green and I was wondering how to fix that. At one point of time I even wanted to scrap the painting and apply wall primer on the backside of the board, redraw the painting again there. But I tried scrubbing the Parvathy's part completely by using sand paper and drew the Parvathy part again. Surprisingly the green tint of the Parvathy's side turned out to be the best colour in the painting and I can't believe that this side was very dark earlier. I was so inspired that I completed this painting within 15 days of restarting the painting after scrubbing & redrawing the Parvathy's side. Also the large size of the board gave enough room to draw minute details.
I sealed and finalised this painting today - 19th Feb 2016.
Size: 60 cms X 90 cms.
The steps in the painting process are found in the gallery below.