This was the first Chetan Bhagat's book I had bought but the last one to be read :-). As usual CB targets at the Indian youth and the issues they stumble upon while building a career. Set in the "business land" Gujarat, 3MOL takes a look at the influence of religion, cricket and Politics in the common Indian's life. Ahemadabad is the best choice for the story because of its political & geographical turmoil, the state underwent in quick succession. The book opens and travels through Govind Patel's perspective. The friendship between Govind, Ishaan and Omi is explained well even though Omi's character is not etched fully. Vidya's character is mere a distraction succumbing to the "Bollywood forumula". May be CB's recent acquaintace with Bollywood & prospects of turning this into a movie had a role for creating Vidya's character. The character of 12 year old Ali, even though helps in jingoistic perspective, plays a crucial role towards the end. The "mistakes" which Govind confesses to have made are so frivolous that we don't even notice them when we read the book. But as the whole product, it works. This book seems to have sealed a "template" for CB's novels so that it gives a sense of 'deja-vu' many places - routine pre-marital sex episode, a "twist" telephone call, friendship among the protagonists & etc. Hope CB had broken away from this mould in his "The 2 States of my marriage", which I am yet to read. Don't be surprised if you hear any Bollywood movie is made with this '3MOML' novel & Sharman Joshi as one of the leads :-) - {oshits} reads!!!