I picked up this novel during my recent trip to Bangalore. I expected to finish this novel in 10 days but to much of my surprise I finished it in 2-3 sittings. Normally I have problem with reading English novels because I used to forget the names of the characters, so everytime I read that book it is like - who this guy is? Sidney Sheldon's "The Sky is Falling" is quite racy and keeps you engrossed in major parts. Ms. Dana Evans, a famous TV reporter in WTN, sets out to unravel the mystery behind the successive murders of the Winthrops, who could be the kings if America is a dynasty. In the course Dana Evans travels across to the globe to hunt down the killer but realises that she is being hunted in the process. Quite an irresistable thriller, "The Sky is Falling" becomes predicatble towards the end and no brownie points for us guessing who the actual culprit would have been. To make this murder mystery a complete dish, Sidney Sheldon inserts a love making scene with her lover Jeff, laces the sentiments with a Rachel as a third angle of love triangle, the breast cancer element and adopting Kemel from Balkans. It may not be a great novel in the terms of characterisation or plot, but when it exists "The Sky is Falling" entertains you. Best recommended for a paperback reading!!!